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to Shadow Spirit

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Come on in. Sit down and listen to the music and look around. You can browse the Native American ceramics I have made and view the Native American links to some really great sites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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The Territory Of Spiritual Warriors Is The Soul...
Their Weapons Are Love And Understanding...
Their Goal Is To Unite With The Inner Nature...
As Spiritual Warriors, We Seek To Conquer The Mysterery Of Our Earthly Journeys,To Become ONE with Our Purposes, And To Live Lives Of Spiritual, Moral, Mental, And Physical Congruence...
Accomplishing This Requires Equal Amounts Of Patience, Perseverance, Awareness, Humility, Integrity, Confidence, And Trust....

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Thank you, Peggy, for the lovely award.

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Leave your dream in my guestbook dream.gif (463 bytes) View others' dreams in my guestbook

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